Розділ «Introduction»

Зовнішня політика України

The sovereign Ukraine directs its foreign policy to the strengthening of peace and stability through the protection of its national interests and security. Foreign policy activity of the state is found on the principles of the international law: respect of the sovereignty, equality, non-intervention into internal affairs of other states, recognition of territorial integrity and inviolability of the existing borders, development of large scale cooperation, rejection of the threat and use of force, protection of human rights, etc.

This manual is devoted to the foundation and development of the foreign policy activity of Ukraine. The author examines the stages of this process, main directions and tasks of the Ukrainian state in the foreign policy field, analyzes mechanisms of protection of the rights of the citizens, sovereign existence of the state, as well as economic growth.

The manual is based on a principally important concept of the formation and development of the foreign policy paradigm of Ukraine during a significant historical period of Ukrainian statehood. Our state, same as its policy, originates from the Trypillya culture, develops through the Skiff era and forms a powerful Kyievan Rus. This is in those times that not only the general concept of the world and human existence but also the principles of the international existence, patriotism, humanism, tolerance, conventional relations and diplomacy were formed on our lands. Next period that covers the times of Cossack State contains a lot of elements of the statehood and foreign policy activity of those times that was inherited and developed by the Cossack Army. The period of the years 1917-1920 is marked by the struggle for the independence of the Ukrainian state, civilized entrance into the world of international relations, use of diplomatic means and methods to defend the Ukrainian interests. In the period of Soviet existence the forms of international existence of Ukraine within the USSR are being under review. In modem times with the achievement of the state sovereignty the foreign policy components of the assertion of Ukraine as a subject of the international law with the state goals, its own foreign policy and international obligations are being analyzed.

The modem Ukraine faces a difficult challenge of protection of the achievements of the Ukrainian people, gaining by our country of a dissent place in the international division of labor, protection of the rights of the Ukrainian citizens, informational provision of the sovereign existence, etc. State interests of Ukraine consist in realization of the strategic, political, economic, legal and ideological goals. Every historic period of the development of the Ukrainian statehood is marked by a specific position of Ukraine or its regions that existed either comparatively independently or within other states. Unfortunately, Ukraine was more often not a subject but object of the foreign policy in the above mentioned periods when the destiny of the Ukrainian lands depended on other more powerful nations.

Ukraine gained its independence in a lengthy struggle and affirmed itself as a highly authoritative state worth of respect.

The book is based on a wide range of sources on formation of the state and foreign policy of Ukraine, archive documents, documents of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and periodical materials. Historical sources, such as chronicles, legends and folklore, were also studied to be included in the text. A particular place in the list of the sources belongs to the Ukrainian historiography. This is the books of famous Ukrainian historians – M. Hrushevsky, V. Antonovych, O. Apanovych, M.Braychevsky, V. Holobutsky, D. Doroshenko, O.Yefymenko, M. Kotliar, I. Krypyakevych, N. Polonska-Vasylenko, O. Subtelny, O. Shulhin, D. Yavomytsky and many others.

The texts of the chapters contain tasks and test questions, as well as recommended bibliography.

The manual will be of interest for students, high school pupils, professors of educational institutions, as well as all the not indifferent citizens of Ukraine.

Автор висловлює щиру подяку всім причетним до видання цього підручника, настільки необхідного нашим викладачам, студентам і школярам, наскільки є необхідними важелі формування і розвитку сучасної української зовнішньої політики і дипломатії, що формують сьогодення і закладають майбутнє нашої держави.

Дякую родині, друзям і колегам за духовну та організаційну підтримку цього видання: вболівальнику Української справи, відомому економісту Богдану Гаврилишину, дипломатам – Міністру закордонних справ України Павлу Клімкіну, Ректору Дипломатичної академії України Миколі Кулінічу, Данилі Лубківському, Дмитру Сеніку, Ярославу Шипиленку, Хуану Олівасу Корнехо, Першому проректору Дипломатичної академії України Вячеславу Ціватому, правознавцю Андрію Павловському і всім моїм учням.

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