Розділ «Примітки»

Постіндустріальні утопісти

20 Див.: Bell, The Coming of Post-Industrial Society, p.37, а також M.Marien, 'The Two Visions of Post-Industrial Society' in Futures, October 1977, pp.415-31, де коротко розглядаються погляди Пенті.

21 Див.: статті Пітера Фуллера і Майка Кулі в: ICA (eds) William Morris Today (London: Journeyman Press, 1984).

22 Див.: H.Marcuse, An Essay on Liberation (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969); M.Bookchin, Post-Scarcity Anarchism (Berkeley: Ramparts Press, 1971).

23 Видано Random House, New York, 1971.

24 R.Richta (ed.), Civilization at the Cross-Roads (Sydney: Australian Left Review Publications, 1967).

25 R.Jungk, J.Galtung (eds), Mankind 2000 (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1969).

26 C.Lasch, 'Toward a Theory of Post-Industrial Society' in M.D.Hancock, C.Sjo-berg (eds), Politics in the Post-Welfare State (New York: Columbia University Press, 1971), pp.36-50.

27 Ibid., p.37.

28 L.Hirschhorn, Two Essays on the Transition to Post-Industrialism (Working Paper No. 170, May 1972); Towards a Political Economy of the Service Sector (Working Paper No.229, February 1974); The Social Service Crisis and the New Subjectivity (Working Paper No.224, December 1974); The Social Crisis — The Crisis of Work and Social Services Part 1 (Working Paper No.251, March 1975) and Part 2 (Working Paper No.252, May 1975) Institute of Urban and Regional Development, Berkeley.

29 Hirschhorn, The Social Crisis — The Crisis of Work and Social Services Part 1, p.iv.

30 Hirschhorn, Towards a Political Economy of the Service Sector, p.10.

31 Hirschhorn, The Social Service Crisis and the New Subjectivity, p.32.

32 Центр був замислений як майбутній інститут аналізу нових моделей капіталістичних суспільств.

33 Див. публікації Бодріяра та інших у K.Woodward (ed.), The Myths of Information: Technology and Postindustrial Culture (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980). Критику Бодріяра див. у G.Gill, 'Post-Structuralism as Ideology' in Arena (69) 1984, pp.60-96.

34 J.F.Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition, trans. by G.Bennington and B.Massu-mi (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1984), p.3.

35 Див.: F.Jameson 'Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Capital' in New Left Review (146) 1984, pp.53-92; M.Davis, 'Urban Renaissance and the Spirit of Postmodernisn' in New Left Review (151), 1985, pp.106-13; M.Berman, All That is Solid melts into Air (London: Verso, 1983); P.Anderson, 'Modernity and Revolution' in New Left Review (144), 1984, pp.96-113 та відповідь Бермана 'The Signs in the Street' in Ibid, pp.114-23; R.Rorty, 'Habermas and Lyotard on Post-Modernity' in Praxis International, 4 (1), 1984, pp.32-44.

36 Див.: A.Touraine, The Voice and the Eye: An Analysis of Social Movements (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981).

37 Див.: F.Capra, C.Spretnak, Green Politics (New York: E.P.Dutton, 1984); W.Hulsberg, 'The Greens at the Cross-Roads' in New Left Review (152), 1985, pp.5-29.

38 J.Gershuny, Social Innovation and the Division of Labour (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983); T.Stonier, The Wealth of Information (London: Methuen, 1983); K.Sale, Human Scale (New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1980).

39 New Left Books, London, 1978.


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