Мати чи бути?

59. *—. 1974. Economics and the Public Purpose. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

60. *Habermas, Jürgen. 1971. Toward a Rational Society. Translated by J. Schapiro. Boston: Beacon Press.

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65. Illich, Ivan. 1970. Deschooling Society. World Perspectives, vol. 44. New York: Harper & Row.

66. —. 1976. Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health. New York: Pantheon.

67. *Kropotkin, P. A. 1902. Mutual Aid. A Factor of Evolution. London.

68. Lange, Winfried. 1969. Glückseligkeitsstreben and uneigennützige Lebensgestaltung bei Thomas von Aquin. Diss. Freiburg im Breisgau.

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70. Lobkowicz, Nicholas. 1967. Theory and Practice: The History of a Concept from Aristotle to Marx. International Studies Series. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.

71. Maccoby, Michael. Forthcoming, fall 1976. The Gamesmen: The New Corporate Leaders. New York: Simon and Schuster.

72. Maimonides, Moses. 1963. The Code of Maimonides. Translated by A. M. Hershman. New Haven: Yale University Press.

73. *Marcel, Gabriel. 1965. Being and Having: An Existentialist Diary. New York: Harper & Row, Torchbooks.

74. Marx, K. 1844. Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts. In Gesamtausgabe (MEGA) [Complete works of Marx and Engels]. Moscow. Translated by E. Fromm in E. Fromm, Marx's Concept of Man; q. v.

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78. Mayo, Elton. 1933. The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization. New York: Macmillan.


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