102. Flaubert in Egypt: A Sensibility on Tour, trans. and ed. Francis Steegmuller (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1973), p. 200. Я також ознайомився з такими текстами, де можна знайти всі «орієнтальні» матеріали Флобера: Oeuvres complètes de Gustave Flaubert (Paris: Club de l’Honnête homme, 1973), vols. 10, 11; Les Lettres d’Égypte, de Gustave Flaubert, ed. A. Youssef Naaman (Paris: Nizet, 1965); Flaubert, Correspondance, ed. Jean Bruneau (Paris, Gallimard, 1973), 1: 518 ff.
103. Harry Levin, The Gates of Horn: A Study of Five French Realists (New York: Oxford University Press, 1963), p. 285.
104. Flaubert in Egypt, pp. 173, 75.
105. Levin, Gates of Horn, p. 271.
106. Flaubert, Catalogue des opinions chic, in Oeuvres, 2: 1019.
107. Flaubert in Egypt, p. 65.
108. Ibid., pp. 220, 130.
109. Flaubert, La Tentation de Saint Antoine, in Oeuvres, 1: 85.
110. See Flaubert, Salammbô, in Oeuvres, 1: 809 ff. See also Maurice Z. Shroder, «On Reading Salammbô», L’Esprit créateur 10, no. 1 (Spring 1970): 24-35.
111. Flaubert in Egypt, pp. 198-9.
112. Foucault, «La Bibliothèque fantastique», in Flaubert, La Tentation de Saint Antoine, pp. 7-33.
113. Flaubert in Egypt, p. 79.
114. Ibid., pp. 211-2.
115. Обговорення цього процесу дається в Foucault, Archaeology of Knowledge; also Joseph Ben-David, The Scientist’s Role in Society (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1971). Див. також Edward W. Said, «An Ethics of Language», Diacritics 4, no. 2 (Summer 1974): 28-37.
116. Див. неоціненний перелік y Richard Bevis, Bibliotheca Cisorientalia: An Annotated Checklist of Early English Travel Books on the Near and Middle East (Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., 1973).
117. Про американських мандрівників див. Dorothee Metlitski Finkelstein, Melville’s Orienda (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1961), and Franklin Walker, Irreverent Pilgrims: Melville, Browne, and Mark Twain in the Holy Land (Seattle; University of Washington Press, 1974). {473}
118. Alexander William Kinglake, Eothen, or Traces of Travel Brought Home from the East, ed. D. G. Hogarth (1844; reprint ed., London: Henry Frowde, 1906), pp. 25, 68, 241, 220.
119. Flaubert in Egypt, p. 81.
120. Thomas J. Assad, Three Victorian Travellers: Burton, Blunt and Doughty (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1964), p. 5.
121. Richard Burton, Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to al-Madinah and Meccah, ed. Isabel Burton (London: Tylston & Edwards, 1893), 1: 9, 108-10.
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