Djilas, Milovan, Conversations with Stalin, trans. Michael Petrovich, New York, 1962.
Dmitriev, Helen, Surviving the Storms: Memory of Stalin’s Tyranny, trans. Cathleen A. McClintic, George G. Mendez, Fresno, CA, 1992.
Dolgun, Alexander, Alexander Dolgun’s Story: An American in the Gulag, New York, 1975.
Domańska, Lesława, Papiński, Marian, Malachovski family, Tryptyk Kazachstański.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, The Home of the Dead, trans. David McDufif, London, 1985.
Ekart, Antoni, Vanished Without Trace: Seven Years in Soviet Russia, London, 1954.
Fehling, Helmut, One Great Prison: The Story Behind Russia’s Unreleased POWs, Boston, 1951.
Fikau, Gerhard, My Thirty-third Year, New York, 1958.
Gessen, Masha, «My Grandmother, the Censor», Granta 64, London, January 1998.
Gilboa, Yehoshua, Confess! Confess!, trans. Dov Ben Aba, Boston, Toronto, 1968.
Ginzburg, Evgeniya, Journey into the Whirlwind [Krutoi marshrut], trans. Paul Stevenson and Max Hayward, New York, 1967.
Ginzburg, Evgeniya, Within the Whirlwind [Krutoi marshrut, Par II], trans. Ian Boland, New York, London, 1981.
Ginzburg, Lidiya, Blockade Diary, trans. Alan Meyers, London, 1995.
Gliksman, Jerzy, Tell the West, New York, 1948.
Gorbachev, Mikhail, Memoirs, New York, 1996.
Gorbatov, Aleksandr, Years Off My Life, trans. Gordon Clough, Anthony Cash, London, 1964.
Gross, Jan Tomasz, Grudzinska-Gross, Irena, eds., War Through Children’s Eyes, Stanford, CA, 1981.
Herling, Gustav, A World Apart, trans. Andrzej Ciolkosz, London, 1951.
Joffe, Nadezhda, Back in Time: My Life, My Fate, My Epoch [Vremya nazad], trans. Frederick S. Choate, Oak Park, MI, 1995.
Khrushchev, Nikita, Khrushchev Remembers, trans. Strobe Talbott, London, 1970.
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