Розділ «Джерела та література»

Захват і біль битви. Перша світова у 211 епізодах

Buffetaut, Y: Atlas de la Premiere Guerre mondiale. 1914—1918. La chute des empires europeens. Paris, 2005

Buffetaut, Y: The 1917 Spring Offensives. Arras, Vimy, Le Chemin des Dames. Paris, 1997

Buffetaut, Y: Verdun. Guide historique & touristique. Langres, 2002

Carlswärd, Tage: Operationerna på tyska östfronten 1914. Sthlm, 1931.

Christiernsson, N: Med Mackensen till Przemysl. Sthlm, 1915

Corday, Michel: The Paris Front. An Unpublished Diary 1914—1918. New York, 1934

Cox, I: “The larks still singing”, Times Literary Supplement, 13 November 1998

Cron, H: Geschichte des Deutschen Heeres im Weltkriege 1914—1918. Berlin, 1937

Curti, P: Artillerie in der Abwehr. Kriegsgeschichtlich erlautert. Frauenfeld, 1940

Cushing, H: From a Surgeon's Journal 1915—1918. Toronto, 1936

Dadrian, V N: The History of the Armenian Genocide. Ethnic Conflict from the Balkans to Anatolia to the Caucasus. New York, 2003

Davenport-Hines, R: Sex, Death and Punishment. Attitudes to Sex and Sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance. Glasgow, 1991

Davenport-Hines, R: The Persuit of Oblivion. A Social History of Drugs. London, 2002

Dawkins, W H: /brev och dagbok / I Ingle, J: From Duntroon to the Dardanelles. Canberra, 1995

Defente, D (red.): Le Chemin des Dames 1914—1918. Paris, 2003

Delaporte, S: Les Gueules casses. Les blesses de la face de la Grande Guerre. Paris, 1996

Erickson, E J: Ordered to Die. A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War. London, 2001

Farmborough, F: Nurse at the Russian Front. A Diary 1914—18. London, 1977

Ferguson, N: The Pity of War. London, 1999

Ferro, M: The Great War 1914—1918. London, 1973


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