Розділ «Література»

Мафія і Україна

Bentley E. "Out of Bandage". N.Y. 1951.

Bentwich N. "Judaea Lives Again". London. 1944.

Berger E. "The Jewish Dilemma". N.Y. 1945.

Berle A.A. "The World Significance of a Jewish State".

Bord G. "La Franc-Masonnerie en France". Paris. 1908.

Borkenau F. "European Communism". N.Y. 1953.

Brandeis L. "Zionism and the American Jews".

Brasol B. "The World at the Cross Roads". Boston. 1921.

Britton F. "Atom Treason". Los Angeles. 1952.

"Behind Communism".

Brown E.C. "The Enemy at His Back". N.Y. 1957.

Buber M. "Der Jude". Berlin. 1919.

Buckley W. "McCarthy and His Enimies" Chicago. 1954.

Bundy E. "What Is the Anti-Defamation League".

Burnham J. "Containment or Liberation". N.Y. 1952.

"Coming Defeat of Communism". N.Y. 1958.

"The Struggle for the World". N.Y. 1947.

"Suicide of the West". N.Y. 1964.

Bussell F.W. "Religious Thought and Heresy in the Middle Ages". 1918.

Butler E.D. "Dialectics: Communist Instrument for World Conquest".


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